Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Three Takeaways From RAW: 2/24/14

Joe Haines 2-24-14 

As much as you may hate John Cena, he being "hurt" (if legitimate) diminishes the Wrestlemania hype for his match with Bray Wyatt. 
When Cena came out to challenge the Wyatts to put up or shut up, he bit off a bit more than he could chew with the hillbillied trio.  After Bray Wyatt cut one of his incredible promos, the Wyatts jumped on Cena like a pack of hyenas attacking a gazelle.  Unfortunately for Cena his knee was injured after an awkward fall in which Eric Rowan twisted his knee on the way down to the mat. 

If this is for real, where does the WWE go from here?  This match would have been huge for the up and coming Wyatt, and the fact that he may not be facing Cena at Wrestlemania diminishes this meteoric push that he has been receiving as of late.  

After the confrontation with Cena happened, Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns had a one on one match that eventually escalated to every member of the Shield and the Wyatt family getting involved.  It seems that the WWE’s plan B would be to have a rematch of the Wyatt’s and the Shield’s classic match that took place at Elimination Chamber.  

It will be interesting to see where this goes from here.  If it is a work, though, let’s just hope that Super Cena doesn't return from a complete knee repair in two weeks having had "never gave up" and pins every single Wyatt Family member while still hobbling around on crutches. 

Why the in the hell is Batista not a heel yet? 

Batista sucks a lot at promos now but whatever, here you go

Ever since this out of shape, has-been walked down the ramp and into the WWE ring, after a four year hiatus, he has been booed and hated on without remorse. You can tell that he's growing more and more frustrated with the reactions he has been receiving from the WWE fans.  You can see him regularly trash talking individuals in the crowd as well pretending to cry just to rub in the fact that we are not getting what we want.  He even goes out of his way to point at "Boo-tista" signs that fans have made all in the name of rubbing it in our faces.

If the WWE would to turn him heel this would all make better sense for his character, but a face that disrespects the crowd is just a bad idea.  After his bout with Del Rio at the beginning of the show he told the crowd that “it doesn’t matter if they boo him or cheer him”, and that they should just “deal with it”.   You see, there is a big difference between hating a character because he’s a heel and hating a character because we don’t want to see him in the ring.  Friday on Smackdown he is to address the crowd in response to the way he is being perceived by the WWE Universe, but with the edited crowd reactions that the Friday night show is notorious for, it will be easy to see which way the WWE is heading.  If they keep him face, they are looking to take the Cena rout with him, which is idiotic. 

Well, we’re getting Triple-H vs Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania.  That’s fine…I guess.

We all hoped that after once again being so close to winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship that Daniel Bryan would be somehow thrust into the main event at Wrestlemania in hopes of saving whatever credibility it had left.  Well, they threw that right out the window and stubbornly stuck to what they originally had planned all along (well, technically stuck to what they had planned after Punk left).

It’s not that this match can’t be a good match.  It most likely will be.  But the problem is that the WWE keep’s refusing to give the fans what they want to see.  Daniel Bryan winning the belts at Wrestlemania would be one of the biggest moments in wrestling history, but instead he is going to face off with the man that has been screwing him over since Summer Slam.  It makes perfect sense story wise.  It just sucks that the slow burn of Daniel Bryan winning the Championship is still burning hotter than ever now.  We want some satisfaction eventually.   You have to admit that this is way better than Bryan vs Sheamus – which is what was originally planned for Wrestlemania.  But who knows, maybe Daniel Bryan will get his Extreme Rules moment instead…Ok, just typing that actually made me want to puke.  PLEASE COME BACK CM PUNK!  YOU ARE OUR ONLY HOPE!

Joe Haines
The Common Man Wrestling Fan