Wednesday, January 29, 2014

CM Punk Leaves WWE: A Blessing in Disguise?

Joe Haines -- January 29th, 2014

As the morning of January, 29th 2014 was barely alive our world as WWE fans was hit with a Armageddon sized comet of breaking news.  One of the WWE’s favorite superstars, and arguably one of the top wrestlers in the locker room decided to call it quits.  Yes, the Second City Saint, CM Punk - after a heated exchange with WWE officials - told Vince McMahon on Monday afternoon before the RAW tapings that he was “going home.”  Since that announcement, CM Punk has been removed from the advertisements of any further shows, been un-followed by WWE on twitter (which might not seem like a lot, but other former wrestlers are still followed by the companies twitter account), and his WWE documentary “Best in the World” has been stripped off of Netflix for the time being. 

There are many rumors and speculations floating around about why the self proclaimed “Best in the World” decided to pack up his boots and head for his hometown of Chicago.  Many are claiming that the disagreement that was had between WWE officials and CM Punk was due to the fact that his main event spot at Wrestlemania XXX was taken by the current return of part-timer Batista.  Punk has always had a problem with the part-timer idea mainly because he believes that it is a slap in the face to those in the WWE locker room who bust their asses all year only to get overshadowed by someone who may draw in casual fans.  There are also factors or injury, fatigue, and overall burnout as an effect of his overwhelming work schedule. There could be any number of factors that could play into his departure, but we will only learn more in the days to come.   

But, as we all know, take everything you hear from the WWE with a grain of salt until it is written in stone.  For all we know, this could be an elaborate work done by the WWE creative in order to enhance any depth to Punk’s current storyline with the Authority, or he could just be getting some well deserved time off before he makes his final run towards his expiring contract in July.  If this is a work, the WWE has definitely got the attention of all their fans as they are waiting on baited breath to see what unfolds next.  Whether he is actually gone for good or a work, we can all agree that it is only piling onto the current shit tsunami that the WWE is currently facing.   With the flop of the Batista return to the disappointment fans are having with Daniel Bryan’s booking decisions, the WWE is furiously rewriting and trying to salvage whatever it can to save the upcoming arrival to Wrestlemania XXX. 

Even though CM Punk leaving is quite possibly the worst thing to happen to the WWE in years, could there be a silver lining to all of this? 

Let’s just pretend that CM Punk will be officially gone for the foreseeable future, where could the WWE possibly turn to fill in the shoes of Punk?  We can first take a look at rising superstar Daniel Bryan.  Sure, he’s been featured in many RAW main events, and we all know about the #yesmovement that is happening currently, but he may have an even heavier involvement in the company now that there needs to more show filled.  I would not be surprised - as a result to all the negativity that the WWE has shooting up their assholes – if Daniel Bryan gets the belt put on him sooner rather than later.  The WWE needs to make up for its mistakes NOW!  The only sensible solution that I can think of that will make the WWE universe extremely happy for once is if they finally let Daniel Bryan win the Championship and walk in to Wrestlemania as the face of the company.   Or, if he doesn’t walk into WM with the title, he would at least have a shot for it somewhere down the road.  There are also words of Bryan taking CM Punks place in the feud with Triple-H and that could finally come to a conclusion at Wrestlemania.  Either way, we are going to have to see big things from Daniel Bryan at this point. 

Another great thing that could come from this is the fact that the WWE will have no choice but to feature rising stars more often in big story lines.  Expect the Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Cody Rhodes, and Dolph Zigglers of the world to finally get a push towards the top of the card.  Fans are going to want to see something they care about soon.  These talented guys will for sure help ease the wounds of the fans, if the WWE so chooses to go that route. 

But most importantly of all, I believe, once and for all, that the WWE has no choice but to listen to what the fans want.  There has been too many boos shouted at pay-per-views.  RAW shows have been hijacked by Daniel Bryan chants.  The last thing that Vince McMahon wants to hear during the main event of the biggest show of the year is 80,000 boos cascading down on the performers.  It would ruin his product.  With all the hype shoved down our throats about the WWE Network, CM Punk leaving doesn’t make it any easier to swallow.  They will need to do something to get fans back on board with the product. 

I don’t play fantasy booker.  I don’t like to publish hypotheticals and my dream scenarios, but I have a very good hunch that we will see big changes – big fan approving changes – coming real soon.  CM Punk leaving is a definite blow to any fans involvement in the product, but we can thank him for falling on a silver sword that could turn this company around in the mean time.  

But for now, let's remember the Second City Saint for what he did to make wrestling great. Thank you, Phill Brooks. 

Joe Haines
The Common Man Wrestling Fan

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